Refill! Annual physical examination added new changes ~

The 2023 physical examination has been completed. All of our staffs give positive comments. So what new changes in this time’s examination? Let’s have a look.

The examination programs are more effective and comprehensive.

In this year's physical examination, on the basis of the original set, DR Chest X-ray will be upgraded to lung CT. Compared with last year, CT has a wider imaging range and is more detailed and clear. It can accurately detect lung nodules or lesions, which can help people better understand the recovery of the body after the infection of covid19. The two items of blood lipid were increased to four, and the new low density lipoprotein cholesterol and high density lipoprotein cholesterol could better reduce the risk of cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. The coverage of physical examination items is wider, so that the disease can be truly "early prevented, early detected, early diagnosed and early treated".

The service is more convenient and the feedback is more quick.

"Flexible time, complete projects, excellent service and timely feedback." This is the first feeling of physical examination this time. This year's physical examinationuses online appointment. We can arrange flexible scheduleaccording to the actual work situation, providing greater convenience for everyone.At the same time, the combination of electronic and manual guided examination greatly speeds up the efficiency of physical examination. After the examination, if there are major abnormalities, the institution will give timely feedback and suggestions, which offers really a physical examination with temperature.

Here are some examinationspots

Drawing blood doesn’t hurt at all.

Breath and throat examination. There’s no problem.

The real care can be seen from little things. It has to be said that in annual physical examination, JDS has paid attention to each detail and strive for the best protection for everyone, so that we can really feel the care and welfare from the company!

A health check-up is just the start and the health management is the goal for us. Hopeeveryone will raise our health awareness and develop a healthy lifestyle. Leave the change totime and the body will tell you the answer.